by admin | Mar 22, 2018 | Agriculture, Arms, defence & military, Banking & finance, Civilian aerospace, Consumer services, Continuous improvements, Continuous learning and applying lessons learned, Europe, Fisheries, Forestry, Heavy manufacturing, Information, Information technology, Light manufacturing, Mining, Oil and gas, Pharmaceutical & health care, Power generation & transmission, Public works & Construction, Real estate, property, legal and business services, Telecommunications, Transportation & storage, Utilities
In our first blog of this two-part series, we noted that, despite recent progress, corruption in Latin America is still high. In this second blog, we look at measures to fight corruption that have worked well in other countries. Learning about these policies can provide insights to guide Latin America in the design of their anti-corruption strategies, even if the final shape of these policies will differ depending on country specifics.
We argue that a lasting solution will require sustained action on many fronts to create a major shift in societal expectations and to push countries out of the corruption trap. Improving institutions and lowering corruption go hand in hand, but this is easier said than done. Progress on paper (a better legal framework), while necessary, does not translate into results on the ground if it is not accompanied by stronger enforcement.
by admin | Mar 22, 2018 | Agriculture, Arms, defence & military, Banking & finance, Civilian aerospace, Consumer services, Continuous improvements, Continuous learning and applying lessons learned, Dealing with public officials, Europe, Fisheries, Forestry, Heavy manufacturing, Information technology, Light manufacturing, Mining, Oil and gas, Pharmaceutical & health care, Power generation & transmission, Public works & Construction, Real estate, property, legal and business services, Risk assessments, Risk-based training, Telecommunications, Tools, Training, Transportation & storage, Utilities
Corruption hinders both public and private sector productivity. It perpetuates inequality and poverty, impacting well-being and the distribution of income and undermining opportunities to participate equally in social, economic and political life.
Integrity is essential for building strong institutions and assures citizens that the government is working in their interest, not just for the select few. Integrity is not just a moral issue, it is also about making economies more productive, public sectors more efficient, societies and economies more inclusive. It is about restoring trust, not just trust in government, but trust in public institutions, regulators, banks, and corporations.
by admin | Mar 22, 2018 | Agriculture, Arms, defence & military, Banking & finance, Civilian aerospace, Consumer services, Country risk profile, Europe, Fisheries, Forestry, Heavy manufacturing, Information technology, Light manufacturing, Mining, Oil and gas, Pharmaceutical & health care, Power generation & transmission, Public works & Construction, Real estate, property, legal and business services, Risk assessments, Telecommunications, Tools, Transportation & storage, Utilities
Public sector integrity is crucial for sustained socioeconomic development. This report assesses Peru’s integrity system at both the central and subnational levels of government. It provides a set of recommendations to strengthen and consolidate this system, instil a culture of integrity, and ensure accountability through control and enforcement. Beyond reviewing the institutional arrangement of the system, the report analyses the policies and practices related to political finance, the promotion of public ethics and the management of conflict of interests, lobbying, whistleblower protection, internal control and risk management, as well as the disciplinary regime and the role of the criminal justice system in containing corruption.
by admin | Mar 22, 2018 | ABC terms library, Agriculture, Arms, defence & military, Banking & finance, Civilian aerospace, Consumer services, Developing an ABC compliance program, Europe, Fisheries, Forestry, Heavy manufacturing, Information technology, IT tools that support compliance function, Light manufacturing, Oil and gas, Onboarding new employees, Pharmaceutical & health care, Power generation & transmission, Public works & Construction, Real estate, property, legal and business services, Structuring an Anti-Corruption compliance program, Telecommunications, Tools, Training, Transportation & storage, Utilities
Transparency International Offers a wealth of tools to assist private and public organizations implement an Anti-Corruption Compliance Program or enhance their compliance measures through this comprehensive toolkit of various tools. We highly recommend that you visit this site and navigate through the various tools offered.
Themes covered:
by admin | Mar 21, 2018 | ABC terms library, Agriculture, Anti-Corruption Organizations, Resources and References, Arms, defence & military, Banking & finance, Civilian aerospace, Consumer services, Fisheries, Forestry, Heavy manufacturing, Information technology, Latin America and the Caribbean, Light manufacturing, Mining, Oil and gas, Pharmaceutical & health care, Power generation & transmission, Public works & Construction, Real estate, property, legal and business services, Telecommunications, Transportation & storage, Utilities
The United Nations Convention against Corruption is the only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument. The Convention’s far-reaching approach and the mandatory character of many of its provisions make it a unique tool for developing a comprehensive response to a global problem. The vast majority of United Nations Member States are parties to the Convention.
by admin | Mar 21, 2018 | ABC terms library, Agriculture, Americas, Anti-Corruption Organizations, Resources and References, Arms, defence & military, Banking & finance, Civilian aerospace, Consumer services, Fisheries, Forestry, Heavy manufacturing, Information technology, Light manufacturing, Mining, Oil and gas, Pharmaceutical & health care, Power generation & transmission, Public works & Construction, Real estate, property, legal and business services, Telecommunications, Transportation & storage, Utilities
The Anti-Corruption Portal of the Americas, developed by the Department of Legal Cooperation of the Secretariat for Legal Affairs, provides information regarding transparency in public administration and anti-corruption cooperation, including developments within the MESICIC framework and technical cooperation efforts, as well as links to the web pages of the member states’ agencies with responsibilities in this area.