TOOL: Resist: Resisting Extortion and Solicitation in International Transactions. A Company Tool for Employee Training

TOOL: Resist: Resisting Extortion and Solicitation in International Transactions. A Company Tool for Employee Training

Tool Creators: Transparency International

“Companies facing extortion now have a new anti-corruption tool based on real-life scenarios of solicitation and extortion demands. RESIST (Resisting Extortions and Solicitations in International Transactions) is primarily a training tool to help employees counter solicitation and extortion demands in the most efficient and ethical manner, acknowledging they might be accompanied by a threat. The tool also aims to help companies reduce the probability of such demands being made. Over 20 companies and organisations contributed to designing RESIST, based on their experience of solicitation and extortion demands.”

The RESIST documents provides 22 fact-based scenarios that supports and enhances employee Anti-Corruption training.

Highly recommended training tool

RESOURCE: OECD-Latin America Anti-Corruption Program

RESOURCE: OECD-Latin America Anti-Corruption Program

The OECD-Latin America Anti-Corruption Program was established in 2007 to promote and strengthen implementation and enforcement of international and regional anti-corruption conventions in Latin America.The Programme provides a platform for Latin American countries to compare experiences, share best practices, and discuss challenges in the fight against corruption.
TOOL: Online E-Learning Tool: “Doing Business Without Bribery”

TOOL: Online E-Learning Tool: “Doing Business Without Bribery”

Doing Business Without Bribery, a free online e-learning tool developed by TI UK and revised by TI Canada in English and French, provides best practice anti-bribery training and enables companies to benchmark their own training programs.

TOOL: TI Canada Anti-Corruption Compliance Checklist

TOOL: TI Canada Anti-Corruption Compliance Checklist

TI Canada Anti-Corruption Compliance Checklist is a critical tool for those Canadian corporations seeking to significantly enhance their risk management processes.

This simple to use document provides a process map and access to resources to help an organisation develop and implement an Anti-Corruption compliance program. This tool would be particularly useful for an SME.