Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Procedure: Manual For Authorized Approval Employees

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Procedure: Manual For Authorized Approval Employees

This manual has been prepared to provide guidance to Authorized Approval Employees as they evaluate requests for approval of high-risk payments and transactions with government officials this is to ensure legal compliance. Under the Procedure, two levels of approval are required before something of value covered by the Procedure can be provided to a government official: (1) A request must first go through its normal approval chain as defined by the site, country, or functional unit (2) If approved in the normal approval chain, the employee overseeing the request must then seek further approval from an Authorized Approval Employee.

Anti-Fraud Policy

Anti-Fraud Policy

This Policy sets out Barrick Gold’s expectations and requirements relating to the prohibition, recognition, reporting and investigation of suspected fraud, corruption, misappropriation and other similar irregularities. This document shows Barrick’s commitment to protecting its reputation, revenues, assets and information from any attempts of fraud, deceit or other improper conduct by employees or third parties.

Code of Business Conduct Escalation Procedure

Code of Business Conduct Escalation Procedure

The purpose of this Procedure is to provide a framework to ensure that suspected violations of the Code or the related policies are reported to appropriate levels of management and the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of Barrick Gold Corporation. This policy reflects the highest standards of honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour.

Global Supplier Code of Ethics Standard

Global Supplier Code of Ethics Standard

This Supplier Code of Ethics document is intended to govern the conduct of Barrick’s Suppliers and their relevant subcontractors when doing business with or on behalf of Barrick. It sets standards of ethical conduct which Barrick requires from its supplier community, provides for self-certification against these standards, validation of the self-certification, and procedures for developing or terminating Suppliers who do not meet these standards.

Global Employee Expense Standard

Global Employee Expense Standard

The purpose of the Global Employee Expense Standard is to inform employees and expense report approvers of their responsibilities in documenting, submitting and reviewing employee expenses, as well as standards with respect to the use of a Company Credit Card. The Standard is to assist Barrick employees in complying with the Barrick Code of Business Conduct and Ethics as it relates to the administration and approval of employee expenses and ensuring that expenses deductible for income tax purposes are identified and supported.