ORGANIZATION: World Bank – Combating Corruption

ORGANIZATION: World Bank – Combating Corruption

The World Bank Group considers corruption a major challenge to its twin goals of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and boosting shared prosperity for the poorest 40 percent of people in developing countries. In addition, reducing corruption is at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals and achieving the ambitious targets set for Financing for Development. It is a priority for the World Bank Group and many of its partners.

This link provides access to reports, initiatives, and access to useful links to global partners and stakeholders in the fight against corruption



TRACE is a globally recognized anti-bribery business association and leading provider of shared-cost third party risk management solutions. Members and clients include over 500 multinational companies located worldwide. TRACE is headquartered in the United States and registered in Canada, with a presence on five continents. For more information, visit

TRACE International is a highly respected organization that provides a wealth of information and tools for public and private organizations. From its TRACE country profile Matrix and training offerings to its due diligence services and insightful articles, TRACE International is an important international player and advocate for Anti-Corruption measures.

TRACE is comprised of two distinct entities – TRACE International and TRACE Incorporated – that share a common mission to advance commercial transparency worldwide.

TRACE INTERNATIONAL is funded by its members and does not accept any funding from any government. It leverages a shared-cost model whereby membership dues are pooled to develop anti-bribery compliance tools, services and resources.

TRACE Incorporated is a leading provider of third party risk management solutions.

Founded in 2007 to meet compliance demands that did not fall within the scope of the shared-cost membership model, TRACE Inc. provides both members and non-members with customizable risk-based due diligence and has conducted over 500,000 due diligence reviews worldwide.

RESOURCE: OECD-Latin America Anti-Corruption Program

RESOURCE: OECD-Latin America Anti-Corruption Program

The OECD-Latin America Anti-Corruption Program was established in 2007 to promote and strengthen implementation and enforcement of international and regional anti-corruption conventions in Latin America.The Programme provides a platform for Latin American countries to compare experiences, share best practices, and discuss challenges in the fight against corruption.
TOOL: Online E-Learning Tool: “Doing Business Without Bribery”

TOOL: Online E-Learning Tool: “Doing Business Without Bribery”

Doing Business Without Bribery, a free online e-learning tool developed by TI UK and revised by TI Canada in English and French, provides best practice anti-bribery training and enables companies to benchmark their own training programs.

TOOL: TI Canada Anti-Corruption Compliance Checklist

TOOL: TI Canada Anti-Corruption Compliance Checklist

TI Canada Anti-Corruption Compliance Checklist is a critical tool for those Canadian corporations seeking to significantly enhance their risk management processes.

This simple to use document provides a process map and access to resources to help an organisation develop and implement an Anti-Corruption compliance program. This tool would be particularly useful for an SME.