TOOL: Anti-Corruption Knowledge Hub

TOOL: Anti-Corruption Knowledge Hub

The Anti-Corruption Knowledge Hub is an online space where Transparency International (TI) presents its research output. It is the home of the Anti-Corruption Helpdesk, TI’s expert network, a series of topic guides and country-specific research. In addition, the Hub hosts many of the studies, tools and knowledge which lie behind what we do at Transparency International.

INFO: Transitions to Good Governance: Creating Virtuous Circles of Anti-corruption

INFO: Transitions to Good Governance: Creating Virtuous Circles of Anti-corruption

Why have so few countries managed to leave systematic corruption behind, while in many others modernization is still a mere façade? How do we escape the trap of corruption, to reach a governance system based on ethical universalism? In this unique book, Alina Mungiu-Pippidi and Michael Johnston lead a team of eminent researchers on an illuminating path towards deconstructing the few virtuous circles in contemporary governance. The book combines a solid theoretical framework with quantitative evidence and case studies from around the world. While extracting lessons to be learned from the success cases covered, Transitions to Good Governance avoids being prescriptive and successfully contributes to the understanding of virtuous circles in contemporary good governance.

Offering a balanced but always grounded perspective, this collection combines analytic narratives of existing virtuous circles and how they were established, with an analysis of the global evidence. In doing so the authors explain why governance is so resistant to change, and describe the lessons to be remembered for international anti-corruption efforts. Exploring the primacy of politics over economic development, and in order to understand how vicious circles can be broken, the expert contributions trace the progress of countries that have successfully transitioned. Unprecedentedly, this book goes beyond the tests of different variables to showcase human agency on every continent, and reveals why some nations make the best and others the worst of the same development legacies.

This comprehensive examination of virtuous circles of governance will appeal to all scholars with an interest in transitions, democratization, anti-corruption and good governance. Policy-makers and practitioners in the fields of international development, good governance and democracy support will find it an invaluable resource.

INFO: EBDR Anti-Corruption Report (2016)

INFO: EBDR Anti-Corruption Report (2016)

The EBRD’s Anti-Corruption Report describes the Bank’s strategy to promote integrity and prevent fraud and corruption, and highlights the most recent measures taken.

TOOL: Tools and Resources for Anti-Corruption Knowledge (TRACK)

TOOL: Tools and Resources for Anti-Corruption Knowledge (TRACK)

“Tools and Resources for Anti-Corruption Knowledge” (TRACK) is a central platform of anti-corruption and asset recovery information that was developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) with the support of the World Bank, Microsoft and other TRACK partner institutions. Financial contributions were received from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and the World Bank. The TRACK website has three main components:

  1.  Legal Library related to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)
  2. Anti-corruption learning platform
  3. Collaborative space for registered partner institutions and anti-corruption practitioners
INFO: How Tech Can Fight Corruption in Latin America and the Caribbean

INFO: How Tech Can Fight Corruption in Latin America and the Caribbean

The rise in cybercrime and the proliferation of so-called “fake news” on social media have soured many people on the digital revolution. However, the same novel technologies that enable these distressing trends can also help us combat corruption much more effectively.

There are several encouraging examples in Latin America, a region recently swept by major corruption scandals, where digital tools are becoming a powerful means of rooting out fraud in government and foiling unscrupulous officials and their accomplices.

INFO: Corruption in Latin America: A Way Forward

INFO: Corruption in Latin America: A Way Forward

In our first blog of this two-part series, we noted that, despite recent progress, corruption in Latin America is still high. In this second blog, we look at measures to fight corruption that have worked well in other countries. Learning about these policies can provide insights to guide Latin America in the design of their anti-corruption strategies, even if the final shape of these policies will differ depending on country specifics.

We argue that a lasting solution will require sustained action on many fronts to create a major shift in societal expectations and to push countries out of the corruption trap. Improving institutions and lowering corruption go hand in hand, but this is easier said than done. Progress on paper (a better legal framework), while necessary, does not translate into results on the ground if it is not accompanied by stronger enforcement.