Anti-Corruption Self-Assessment Worksheet

Anti-Corruption Self-Assessment Worksheet

This document is an Anti-corruption self-assessment worksheet which aims to gather preliminary information related to local Anti-Corruption efforts and to assess potential legal and regulatory risks in each location. This template is comprised of 16 Anti-Corruption worksheets. Each Assessment worksheet is usually completed by the employee deemed the most knowledgeable with respect to each area. The information is being generated to assist in identifying legal risks, including and in respect to investigatory efforts.

TOOL: Business and Human Rights Resource Center – Company Tracker

TOOL: Business and Human Rights Resource Center – Company Tracker

UK based NGO that focusses on promoting human rights around the world and promoting corporate accountability and transparency. Manages a database of 7,000 companies and act as a clearinghouse for media reports and other human rights related information on the positive or negative action of their database listed company. May be of assistance as one of many information source when conducting due diligence on business associates.

BH has 13 trustees and 48 staff dedicated to advancing human rights in business and eradicating abuse.

Their 18 Regional Researchers are based in Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Kenya, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Myanmar, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, UK, Ukraine and USA. They are supported by two offices in London and New York. Oversight is provided by our board of trustees which consists of former business people, human rights, development and environmental advocates and academics.

INFO: People and Corruption: Latin America and the Caribbean Report (2017)

INFO: People and Corruption: Latin America and the Caribbean Report (2017)

This new report from the Global Corruption Barometer series is based on surveys with over 22,000 citizens living in 20 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. We asked about first-hand experiences of bribery in public services and perceptions of the scale of corruption. Our report comes at a time when governments around the world are having to pay greater attention to tackling corruption as the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – an ambitious set of 17 global goals – calls on governments to “substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms” (Goal 16.5).

TOOL: OECD Integrity Review of Peru

TOOL: OECD Integrity Review of Peru

Public sector integrity is crucial for sustained socioeconomic development. This report assesses Peru’s integrity system at both the central and subnational levels of government. It provides a set of recommendations to strengthen and consolidate this system, instil a culture of integrity, and ensure accountability through control and enforcement. Beyond reviewing the institutional arrangement of the system, the report analyses the policies and practices related to political finance, the promotion of public ethics and the management of conflict of interests, lobbying, whistleblower protection, internal control and risk management, as well as the disciplinary regime and the role of the criminal justice system in containing corruption.