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What We Do

Canadian Center of Excellence for Anti-Corruption
What We Do
Canadian Hub
Creating a Canadian internet hub and repository of information, tools and best practices to help public and private organisations, but especially Small and medium size Enterprises (SMEs), prevent, detect, mitigate and manage ethics, compliance and corruption risks.
Collective Approcach
Since corruption, fraud and others risks are global problems that effects all facets of society and business, we have adopted a Working on a multi-sectorial and multi-stakeholder approach to foster collective action by leveraging and aggregating resources. Inviting volunteers and stakeholders to contribute and share their knowledge and resources to help others.
Recognizing that there are Large and smaller businesses and organizations that have robust ethics and compliance measures as well as a wealth of experience, CCEAC is looking to identify, connect and engage with those businesses, organizations and people who are willing to share their knowledge and best practices with others.
Free Tools
Also recognizing that finding the relevant and practical information, tools and best practices may be difficult for SMEs and others to find, CCEAC wanted to save time and effort to users by scouring the Internet and leveraging networks of experts to find, identify and aggregate information from reliable and trusted sources.
Collective Action
Connecting, sharing and helping build knowledge and capacity. The CCEAC seeks to create a platform where poeple and organisations can find and share information, tools, strategies and best practices along with foster collaboration. This call for action invites all stakeholders to contrinute to the CCEAC mission.
What we are trying to achieve
Striving to build a national hub & repository of information, tools and best practices, the CCEAC seeks and relies on the active participation of volunteers, partners, funders, supporters and all interested stakeholders to work collectively to raise awareness and provide practical resources to help small and big organisations more effectively prevent, detect and manage corruption and other compliance risks.
The CCEAC seeks to leverage the experience and contribution of experts & content providers to help build capacity of private and public organisations, especially Small and Medium size Enterprises (SMEs), by providing access to resources that will increase their knowledge and ability to more effectively manage risks and build a culture of ethics and compliance.