Toolkit: Whistleblowing System – Reporting and Monitoring Wrongdoing

Having an effective reporting system such as whistleblowing or ethics line is a critical element of any compliance program and provides a mechanism for organisation to facilitate the reporting of policy breaches, ethical and legal wrongdoings and other issues that can impact the organisation. Whistleblowing / Ethics hotlines systems helps promote transparency and accountability within an organisation and helps support efforts to build an ethical culture.

This toolkit provides a list of various tools to assist you in understanding, developing and benchmarking a whistleblowing / ethics hotline system.

Click on each tool to open their description and link.  Please search the CCEAC toolbox for other related tools.

Guidance and Recommendations

Best practices and challenges for whistleblowing systems in multi-national companies

author: Transparency International

Document produced by Transparency International through its Anti-Corruption Help Desk. The 11 pages document provides very valuable answers to the question: What are the current best practices and key challenges of operating internal and external whistleblowing systems, in particular, for multinational companies operating in countries with high levels of corruption and related risks?

View Document

Strength in Numbers – The ROI of compliance program hotline reporting

author: NAVEX Global

An open and ethical culture fosters better business performance and provides a competitive advantage. Until now, there was little empirical data supporting this belief. This new white paper from NAVEX Global highlights the findings from a ground-breaking George Washington University study showing the relationship between internal reporting system usage (whistleblower hotlines) and business performance. This must-read report showcases the value you create with an effective program.

Read Paper

UNODC guide on best practices on protecting reporting persons

author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

The Guide explains why encouraging and protecting those persons who report information about alleged cases of corrupt conduct are a key element in tackling corruption. It is intended to serve as a resource for States parties in implementing their obligations under the Convention in relation to assisting and protecting persons, whether members of the public or “whistleblowers”

Consult Guide

Definitive Guide to Incident Management

author: NAVEX Global

Guide produced by NAVEX Global that outlines best practices and strategies to help organisations develop a strategy, policies and processes to better manage incident reports. Learn everything you need to create an effective case management program – from planning to implementing to measuring results

Consult Guide

Best practices guidelines on reporting and monitoring

author: GAN Integrity

This guide will help you thoughtfully design and implement adequate reporting and monitoring processes to spare you the impossible task of gathering and analyzing data to detect and mitigate actual and potential risks, and to allow it to be handled by the appropriate members within the company. The best practices outlined in this guide will allow you to devise simple, straightforward and rigorous steps that make up an efficient reporting and monitoring system, ultimately keeping your compliance management program in check.

View Guide

ICC Guidelines on Whistleblowing

author: International Chamber of Commerce

This guide was produced by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).  The purpose of these Guidelines is to help companies establish and implement internal whistleblowing programs, by setting forth practical indications, that can serve as a useful point of reference, while meeting, as much as possible, the objections formulated in certain countries about some aspects of a whistleblowing system. These Guidelines are based on the broad experience and practice of ICC member companies across a wide range of sectors and jurisdictions. They are also inspired by a large number of international and national legal provisions.

View Guide

Canadian Standard Association (CSA) guide on whistleblowing systems

author:  Canadian Standard Association Group

Description: This 35-page document from CSA is a made in Canada comprehensive guide is the go to document for organisations wishing to implement an ethics / whistleblowing system. The purpose of this guide is to assist organizational leaders seeking to establish internal systems for handling reports of suspected wrongdoing, mismanagement, and unethical conduct in their organization.

Special note: You must register to the CSA site as a member to access this free document.

Consult Guide

Articles, Reports and White Papers

TI Canada Whistleblowing Report

author: Transparency International Canada

This report produced by Transparency International Canada was prepared for the TI-Canada Legal Committee to assist stakeholders in better understanding the state of whistleblower protection in Canada as compared to other jurisdictions and the extent to which different whistleblower protection mechanisms could effectively support the battle against corruption.

View Report

10 things you might regret not knowing – A whistleblower Prep Plan

author: Lexis Nexus

This article from Lexi Nexus and is written by by Kristin Casler and featuring Susan Frank Divers of LRN Corp. It provides a very good overview of the 10 points to consider when planning to implement a whistleblower system.

View Paper

2018 Hotline & Incident management Benchmark report

author: NAVEX Global

This report produced by NAVEX Global provides some benchmarking and best practices information aggregated from the feedback of numerous companies. Compare your employee reporting metrics and measure your compliance program & organizational culture against 4.5 million reports. Get answers to questions like: Are your employees likely to speak up? Are there reports of misconduct you’re missing? Does fear of retaliation encourage external reports?

View Report

Effective whistleblower programmes and their impact on ethics, culture and conduct

author:  NAVEX Global

Article from NAVEX Global that outlines a series of Q&A. In this mini-roundtable, ethics and compliance leaders from around the world discuss how to create an effective whistleblowing programme and what considerations should be made to enhance company ethics, culture and conduct.

View Paper

Webinars and Media

Whistleblowing: what you need to know

author: Learning Seat

30-minute webinar from Learning Seat that provides an informative overview of what you need to know about whistleblowing systems.

View on YouTube

Whistleblowers – A key but misunderstood tool in the fight against corruption - Sandy Boucher

author: PECB

48-minute video from the 2017 ISO 37100 and Anti-Bribery PECB Insight conference in Montreal. Whistleblowing expert Sandy Boucher provides a comprehensive overview on the value and benefits that a robust whistleblowing and ethics line to any organisation as a whole and on fighting corruption in particular.

View Video

Don’t shoot the messenger: the value of whistleblowing

author: CBC radio

Short article and 54-minute audio recording of a panel of expert session that was held at Centre for Free Expressions at Ryerson University in Toronto in March 2017. Panelists Anna Myers, David Hutton and Sandy Boucher discussed with Moderator Paul Kennedy the value and benefits of whistleblowing in public and private organisations.

Listen to audio

Benchmark your whistleblowing hotline against EME & APAC organisations: Where do you rank?

author: NAVEX Global

60-minute webinar from NAVEX Global. Get a comprehensive picture of the effectiveness of whistleblowing hotline and reporting programmes in EMEA & APAC. We share some surprising new trends for reporting in this region and provide benchmarks you can use to evaluate your own results to determine how you stack up against your peers.

View Webinar

CSA guide on Whistleblowing systems – PPT presentation and explanation

author: Ryerson University – CSR Institute

The CSR Institute at Ryerson University hosted a speakers event to promote and highlight the Canadian Standards Association (CSA)  Guide on Whistleblowing systems.  This link provides access to a video recording of the event and the Power Point presentation from guest speakers Sandy Boucher and Vanessa Mitchell. The tools provided by Ryerson University can be very useful on their own or in combination with the guide.

View PPT Presentation

Other Tools on Whistleblowing System – Reporting and Monitoring Wrongdoing

View all available tools.  We also invite you to submit a new tool for our tool box.

Procedure for Reporting Accounting, Internal Accounting and Audit Related Complaints

The document approved by the Audit Committee of Barrick Gold Corporation outlines the procedures for receipt of complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or audit related matters.

Guidance on Reporting Human Rights and Significant Code of Conduct Grievances To The Legal Department

The purpose of this Guideline is to provide guidance to community relations grievance officers or others who may receive community or operational-level grievances or complains (e.g. employees in human resources, security and exploration)...

Global Standard and Procedures for Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act ( ESTMA ) Reporting

The Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (ESTMA) requires companies that are engaged in the commercial development of oil, gas, or minerals to publicly disclose specific payments made to all governments in Canada and abroad. This...

Global Whistle-blower Management Guidance

The Global Whistle-blower Management Guidance helps identify potential approaches to protect the confidentiality of the identity of any individual who raises a concern or question or reports or provides information regarding ethics matters...

TOOL: Business and Human Rights Resource Center – Company Tracker

UK based NGO that focusses on promoting human rights around the world and promoting corporate accountability and transparency. Manages a database of 7,000 companies and act as a clearinghouse for media reports and other human rights related...

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