Global Harassment Violence Standard

Global Harassment Violence Standard

The purpose of this standard is to define workplace harassment and violence, establish and detail the responsibilities of all persons in Barrick’s workplace(s) to maintain a workplace free from harassment and violence, and ensure that incidents of workplace harassment and violence are investigated in a timely and equitable manner. The Standard is intended to supplement and not supplant applicable local laws and applies in tandem with any procedure in effect in a country or site

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

The code of business conduct and ethics is a set of principles designed to guide workers to conduct themselves with honesty and integrity in all actions representing the company. The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics embodies the commitment to conduct business according to the highest ethical standards. Everyone at Barrick Gold Corporation has a responsibility to act ethically. It’s also important for all employees and contractors to understand and follow the Code and all laws, regulations and company policies that apply to their jobs.

Human Rights Policy

The purpose of the Barrick Gold human right policy is to provide guidance to employees and third-party service providers regarding their human rights responsibilities and identify how Barrick’s human rights policy will be implemented. The objectives of this Policy are to ensure respect for the human rights of all employees and third parties impacted by Barrick operations and maintain compliance with relevant rules and applicable legal regulations.

Anti-Corruption Risk Assessment Manual

Anti-Corruption Risk Assessment Manual

The Anti-Corruption Risk Assessment Manual seeks to provide a practical, step-by-step guidance on how to conduct an anti-corruption risk assessment. A risk assessment is important in determining the specific contours of an anti-corruption compliance program. Risk assessment is required to be a part of a compliance program.

This manual will guide the user through the 4 phases of a risk assessment which includes:

  • Determining the need for and scope of a risk assessment;
  • A mapping exercise to determine how the assessment should progress;
  • Conducting the assessment; and
  • Designing responses in light of the risk identified.
Anti-Corruption Self-Assessment Worksheet

Anti-Corruption Self-Assessment Worksheet

This document is an Anti-corruption self-assessment worksheet which aims to gather preliminary information related to local Anti-Corruption efforts and to assess potential legal and regulatory risks in each location. This template is comprised of 16 Anti-Corruption worksheets. Each Assessment worksheet is usually completed by the employee deemed the most knowledgeable with respect to each area. The information is being generated to assist in identifying legal risks, including and in respect to investigatory efforts.

Invoice Red Flag Manual

Invoice Red Flag Manual

This manual is intended to provide background and guidance surrounding anti-corruption red flags, to help ensure that payments to third parties who interface with the government on Barrick ’s behalf, and to the government itself, are made in a manner consistent with applicable anti-corruption laws and company policies. Generally, an invoice red flag is an out-of-the-ordinary, or suspicious fact or detail about the size of the payment, the recipient, the service provider. When a red flag is present there is an affirmative legal obligation to follow up and obtain a reasonable explanation.